This page is used to demonstrate the recurrence engine by entering iCalendar RRULE values. You can use the Recurrence web server control to edit the settings in a user-friendly fashion or enter RRULE text directly with the text box below it. Clicking the Test button below either one will generate instances based on the specified settings. The other control will be updated to reflect the settings used based on which button is clicked.

NOTE: To prevent overloading the server or causing time-outs, the web demo limits recurrences to a maximum of 5000 instances if a maximum is specified and for minutely and secondly frequencies, 5 years for the hourly frequency, and 50 years for frequencies greater than hourly.

Recurrence Start

Start Date  

Use the Pattern Editor

Recurrence Pattern


Range of Recurrence


Week Start Day   


Or Enter a Recurrence Pattern String

Recurrence Pattern

Description Recur every 5 day(s) for a maximum of 50 occurrences. 

Recurrence Date Generation Results

Defined Recurrence Holidays Results

To exclude instances that fall on the following holidays, add the option X-EWSOFTWARE-OCCURONHOL=0 to the rule. For example: